Sitemap - 2024 - Take-Off: Aviation's Wounded Canaries


Breaking News: New Analysis By University Of Colorado Boulder Of Dental Anesthetic Septocaine Shows Graphene Oxide And Albite (Zeolite) Nanoparticles

Zeolite WARNING: The truth about zeolites, aluminum and lead: Health Ranger reveals potential dangers and clinical applications of zeolites

Stop! Time is running out

Air Traffic’s Triple Health Impacts: Air & Environmental Pollution and Noise

6 Magnificent Properties of Cat’s Claw, (Uncaria tomentosa) by Naturopathic Healing

“Defend or be damned”

Swedish Medical Report: Traditional Cancer Drugs of Little to No Value - August 2023

New Revolutionary Findings from Pesticide Toxicology Studies - Lessons Have Got To be Applied for Biorisk Assessments Throughout the Biotech Sector

Concerning documenting and investigating pilot incapacitations,

Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for Release of Billions of Biopesticide Lab-Altered Mosquitoes

Chemicals found in rocket fuel and fireworks make their way into U.S. food supplies, especially baby foods

Flight Emergency before Take-Off due to Toxic Fumes

The Ministry of Defense admits death of decorated RAF pilot from rare cancer after he was exposed to toxic exhaust fumes

KARMA Consequences good or bad as a result of actions

Turbulent Times for Boeing's Leader

Unmasking the Destructive Force of Toxic Fumes

Former R.A.F. pilots and aircrew dying of cancer launch legal action against the Ministry of Defense

Wizz Air's Cabin Air not so pink after all

Safe Air On Airplanes Act

SWISS Pilot files Lawsuit

Interview Aerotoxic Syndrome mit 'Lies Are Unbecoming'

The Interview with Lies are Unbecoming

What happened to the Coal Mine Canaries?


The widespread misconception that aviation has the highest and best standards.

The Poisoning of Innocent People Continues

MAYDAY - Pilot in Distress

BOEING, once a household name for its safety record and engineering in trouble

Boeing Whistleblower found dead outside a South Carolina hotel just days after testifying in Lawsuit against the Aviation Giant


The Shocking Truth about Aircraft Cabin Air

Caedere - They Kill

Loose Bolts and Leaking Seals

Incidents Involving Vaccinated Pilots and Cabin Crew Continue