Thank you for your newsletter, dear Bearnairdine. All this sick stuff is so dangerous. Meanwhile I am convinced that all this is done intentionally. Hopefully people wake up. We have to go on informing what is not easy as it is not easy to find a way to open up people's minds, especially after years of fear propaganda. And we have to pray.

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Thanks Andrea :-) - indeed!

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The subject of the shortage of Pilots, due to covid injuries or having left their jobs, has been widely tweeted about today, after total chaos at UK airports.

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Great writing. This is exactly the truth about fumes on board and about the mRNA vaccination. Every airliner, not only the ones working on an airplane, should be aware of the problem and sensitized accordingly. It is not helpful to simply look the other way when it comes to fumes or vaccination and it is about time to tackle the fume problem before putting a new health hazardous problem on top.

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Thanks Kim!

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