"The Aerotoxic Team1 is the single best-informed expert body relating to the issues of aircraft bleed air contamination and cabin air quality on a global scale." (view)
David Learmount
Aircraft Cabin Air Quality
Since the book, 'Silent Spring' (1962 - Rachel Carson) documented how DDT, a powerful pesticide was responsible for reproductive disorders in birds and cancer in humans, we have learned that chemicals hold a very high place among the deadly follies that the industries have unleashed on the world.
Who would think that when flying on a business trip or on holidays they would be putting themselves in harm’s way? Exposure to chemically laced breathing air is not well known and depending on the destination passengers and crew will also be covered in pesticide mist - something that is more obvious. This extensive body of work discusses the potential health risks that can evolve from (long-term) exposure notably by aircrew and frequent flyers to allegedly "harmless" toxic engine emissions leaked into the passenger and cockpit cabin air, and their possible mitigations.
This website developed by Bearnairdine Beaumont is intended as an educational project which offers the largest collection of information, evidence and scientific resources, a medical protocol and real-life testimonies in connection with the non-existent regulations in aviation and the more than meagre efforts by the industry to make changes to protect aircrew and passengers concerning aircraft cabin air quality.
Over the years Bearnairdine's extensive body of work has tackled this difficult issue within the realms of science, technology and medical health by regularly publishing articles and several books: 'The Air I Breathe - It's Classified' in 2016, the German version 'Höhenluft' (2017) and 'Tomb In The Sky-Aviation's Wounded Canaries' (2019) she helps keep the industry on their toes. Since early 2022 she publishes articles also on Substack.
As the founder of the "International Network Aerotoxic-Team" (now UNFILTERED) Bearnairdine has been part of many talk shows, media interviews and several TV documentaries which have attracted international media coverage. By building up the international network and by relentless campaigning, she has helped unpack the many layers of historical and present influences and dynamics involved within the aviation industry concerning their non-existent approach to aircraft cabin air quality.