Warning About The Risk of Aircraft Cabin Air Contamination
Aircrews and Passengers' Nervous Systems under Attack
The French courts ordered an expert assessment in response to pilot complaints, which found persistent air pollution in aircraft cabins and raised concerns about the potential harm to the staff and passengers' health, according to a number of reputable news sources* in France that were published on September 29 and 30, 2023.
A sixty-three-page expert report published by Le Parisien on 29 September confirms pilots' concerns about air pollution in aircraft. Following complaints lodged by two former airline pilots in 2018, investigations were carried out into the "smoke events" (or “fume events”) that occur on board aircraft. These events are characterized by smoke in the cockpit and cabin of aircraft. Researchers are looking into the potential health effects of these occurrences, also called "aerotoxic syndrome", a term coined in 1999 by three renowned scientists, including Dr. Jean-Christophe BALOUET from France, now sadly deceased.
The biochemists and doctors who wrote the expert assessment point out that although the aviation industry has been aware of the problem of air pollution in aircraft for many years, victims’ concerns are frequently disregarded. The evidence is currently being examined by the investigating judges to see if there has been reckless endangerment and involuntary injury. A complaint has also been lodged by the French organization ‘Aerotoxic Syndrome Victims Association’ (AVSA).
According to experts, the main cause of air pollution in aircraft is the polluting of the cabin air by very toxic substances found in synthetic lubricants used in the engines. When these oils run through the compression zones of engines and the seals are worn, problems can result. They note that although exposure to these gases can be more severe during so-called “fume events” (appearance of smoke in the cabin), it can also be chronically present at so-called “low levels” during regular engine operation. It is challenging to quantify the phenomena because it is not usually noticed in the absence of suitable measuring devices and techniques.
Stay tuned for more!
In the meantime find more information at UNFILTERED (English and Spanish) and AVSA. (French).
*Sources mentioned in above text:
L’Express https://www.lexpress.fr/sciences-sante/sante/pollution-de-lair-dans-les-avions-quest-ce-le-syndrome-aerotoxique-YZ7HUACJRJFILA4Q4KBO5O54OU/
LePoint https://www.lepoint.fr/sante/faut-il-s-inquieter-de-la-pollution-de-l-air-dans-les-avions-29-09-2023-2537457_40.php
Le Parisien https://www.leparisien.fr/faits-divers/une-etude-scientifique-alerte-sur-le-risque-de-contamination-de-lair-des-avions-29-09-2023-KJUY4ZKS4ZGM7AII7NMZJBQHOU.php