Short and sweet: Recommended viewing.
I can highly recommend this 2-part movie based on the book “The Real Anthony Fauci” by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But hurry! It’s FREE for only 1 more day! Please watch it and make sure to share this limited-time event!
Watch now, click here:
Some more you might like to catch up on:
Subclinical Myocarditis - NEW Report from Switzerland - Vital Findings
A new study shows that pretty much everyone is getting heart damage from the COVID vaccines - watch :
A new study from Japan shows alarming levels of heart disease and cardiac deaths.
"A new study from Japan titled "SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and increased myocarditis mortality risk: A population-based comparative study in Japan" shows a 4-fold increase in the risk of death from myocarditis caused by mRNA vaccination for all age groups. This latter finding differs from previous assumptions that younger male vaccinated individuals were particularly at risk." Read here
The Covid policy was based on lies, so consequences were absolutely needed. Resignation of Ms Ursula van der Leyen is only the first step, said EU parliamentarian Christian Terhes.
In the COVID hearing, Pfizer’s Janine Small the pharmaceutical giant’s president of international developed markets was standing in for Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla who pulled out of testifying before the European Parliament’s COVID-19 advisory board, admitted to the question posed by MEP Rob Roos from The Netherlands recently, that no the Pfizer vaccine was not fully tested for transmission before its rollout due to the “speed of science”.
"Get vaccinated for others" was always a lie. The only purpose of the COVID passport was: forcing people to get vaccinated.
MEP Christian Terhes was one of the first EU parliamentarians to campaign against the Covid policy. He has been drawing attention to the injustice since the introduction of the "Green Passport." After Pfizer's hearing in the EU's special committee on Corona last week, he demands: "We must hold those responsible accountable." Special Committee on Covid19 vaccines: And a press conference by EU MEPs including the wonderfully dedicated and very outspoken MEP Christiane Andersen
More lies:
50 Years of Secrets: How Chemical Giant Syngenta Hid the Truth About a Dangerous Weedkiller
Hundreds of pages of internal corporate records reveal how Syngenta repeatedly lied about scientific research showing a connection between paraquat weedkiller and Parkinson’s disease, an incurable brain ailment. Read here
Airliner News:
SWISS airlines maintain its mandatory vaccination for flight personnel
… although there are practically no more restrictions worldwide (and although Covid-19 diseases can be prevented or treated more effectively and with less risk using other methods).
With this, the dismissals of unvaccinated employees also continue. Soon, the first legal proceedings against Swiss will be initiated in this context.
The argumentation of the Swiss management is difficult to understand and seems senseless and cynical for those affected.
I will be updating you on more toxicity subjects, especially “aerotoxic syndrome” - and aircraft cabin air contamination aspects, soon.
Take care! And please “like” and “share” to help spread the word and comment anytime.