Update November 17th 2022* (scroll down)
In a very well-presented 2-hour press conference, lawyers and scientific experts informed the public yesterday, November 14th, of a criminal complaint they filed on behalf of six mRNA-damaged people against Swissmedic (the Swiss drug regulator) and vaccinating doctors. The cantonal public prosecutor has already opened proceedings against the yet unnamed doctors involved.

Calculations by a group of scientists led by Dr Peter Doshi, the senior editor at BMJ, show that injury from mRNA-Covid19 injections occurs much more frequently than claimed by the manufacturers.
There are so many reports that even voluntary reporting systems like VAERS in America are overflowing.
Underreporting and the Wall of Silence
Politicians, medical professionals, and the media are silent about it, thus it is safe to suggest that there are many more cases than are actually documented.
Those who are afflicted often have to hear that their suffering is psychological and has nothing to do with vaccination; they encounter a wall of silence.
For the first time, mRNA ”vaccine” victims in Switzerland are given a voice in a film project produced by film director Mike Wyniger from Bern. Wyniger seeks to start the necessary discussions and give the victims a voice.
The individuals involved, whether they were a clerk, a hockey player, or a flight attendant, all suffered severe health issues following the shot and were initially left alone with their troubles.
They trusted doctors, respected authorities, and frequently followed their employer's instructions and got themselves “immunised”, some more than once.
They are now experiencing life-altering symptoms, including hives, blue-tinged swollen hands, and extreme tiredness, to mention a few. They can’t manage their days without help and some have even landed in a wheelchair!
And to top it all off, they encountered hostility, rejection, or pressure to receive additional “vaccinations” in hospitals and doctor's offices.
Despite being required by law to do so, in two instances doctors refused to report the adverse effects of the “vaccinations”.
According to the declarations of the affected parties, the “vaccines” not only did not have the desired impact but for them, they have resulted in major adverse effects that were not fully disclosed.
The misleading information provided to the public by Swissmedic regarding benefits and risks is particularly serious.
Insisting on and giving a technologically brand new not yet finalised in trials “vaccination” without a patient's fully informed consent about the possible side effects and the procedure itself is considered physical harm, and a failure to report vaccine injuries borders on failure to assist.
For German-speaking readers: the Press Conference
PowerPoint presentation with some English translations.
The full 300-page case document filed by KruseLaw in German and the 10-page Executive Summary in English plus if you scroll down this page you’ll find the full document “Criminal Complaint” and “Evidence Reports” in several languages (bottom left).
I for one wish them Good Luck and all the best for the sufferers, hoping that they may recover some of their former health sometime - nobody else but Aerotoxic victims can feel better for them. We have gone through, and countless toxic fumes injured aircrew are still going through the very same fight for medical acknowledgement, initially not being believed, then being told it is all in our minds. Many are unable to work or even manage daily life and are not receiving proper care. Not to speak of the nerve-racking legal swamp and constant belittling arguments by the (airlines) employers and their insurers one has to manoeuvre.
*Update Nov. 17, 2022 - following the media conference and many articles in the media:
Due to increasing demand from vaccination victims asking if they can also file a complaint (Swissmedic criminal complaint):“Please contact the Post Vaccine Syndrome Association (PVS) Switzerland https://www.postvac.ch/
This association has built up a high level of competence in self-help in the area of Co vid - 19 vaccination damage due to the fates of its members. We will cooperate with the association and work out a solution for the inclusion of further injured parties so that they can join our criminal complaint as private plaintiffs (and without legal fees).”
- Philipp Kruse, Lawyer
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